In or Out: The Game of Inclusion
When: 3rd-11th of July 2017 Where: Rovereto (Italy)
Framework: Training
Target Group: Youth workers
Participant Countires: Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania
Partners: East-West Lab / Laboratorio Oriente Occidente (Italy) – Hosting Organisation
Funding: Erasmus+
The training course “In or Out: The Game of the Inclusion” moves from the assumption that youth NGOs and youth centres can play a key role in addressing the social exclusion of youth with or without migrant backgrounds. To tackle this phenomenon youth work’s stakeholders need to update their knowledge, skills and competences and to conceive social exclusion also deriving from a lack of active citizenship and political participation of youth.
On the one hand, the involved youth workers and youth leaders will experience firsthand innovative pedagogical methodologies on social exclusion, active citizenship and political participation, so to make a difference in their local communities.
On the other hand, by exchanging information on social exclusion of young people at national and local level, the participants dispose of an Europe-wide perspective and will develop together new European approaches and strategies to contrast this phenomenon through non-formal education.
The outlined training course offers youth workers and youth leaders from 8 Erasmus+ Programme Partner Countries a well-conceived learning experience on the main topics above presented.
Contact person for Romania
Ionuț Cioarță