Value the Difference – Preventing youth radicalisation – Volume II
When: 29th of October – 5th of November 2017
Where: Berlin area
Framework: Training
Target Group: Youthworkers
Participant Countries: Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania
Partner: DIALOGS e.V. (Germany) – Coordinating and Hosting OrganizationThis training course seeks to address two main needs of youth work’s stakeholders. Firstly, we open up a critical, structured reflection on youth workers’ ways of working with youth taking into account the complexity of the youth radicalisation and the need of “non-formal educators” to be updated with innovative knowledge, skills and methodologies. Secondly, we critically analyse youth centres and youth organisations’ capacities and strategies to cooperate with other public and private stakeholders within and beyond the youth sector on the issue of youth radicalisation. The outlined training course “Value the Difference –Preventing youth radicalisation: Volume I” offers youth workers and youth leaders from 9 Programme Countries a well-conceived learning experience, aimed to reflect upon theory and practice of non-formal education providers on the main topics above presented.