Like Share Diversity! Log out Hate Speech! – comunicat de presă


Campanie a tinerilor împotriva discursului instigator la ură

București, 14 februarie 2019 – Ca reacție la fenomenul discursului instigator la ură (DIU) răspândit în mediul online, tineri din România și Germania spun la unison: Log out Hate Speech! Sign in Love! și ne îndeamnă pe toți să contribuim la o cultură a respectului față de demnitatea persoanelor, în comunicarea prin intermediul social media. Dacă și voi sunteți ambasadori ai nondiscriminării, folosiți hashtagul #LikeShareDiversity. Read more

Like Share Diversity! Log out Hate Speech! – press release


Campaign of young people against hate speech

Bucharest, 14th of February 2019 – As a reaction to phenomenon of hate speech spread in online, young people from Romania and Germany claim together: Log out Hate Speech! Sign in Love! and encourage all of us to contribute and to build a culture of respect towards human dignity, through social media communication. If you are ambassadors of non-discrimination use the hashtag #LikeShareDiversity.
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Like Sharing Diversity! Log out Hate Speech! – call for participants

Like Share Diversity - Call for participants

Details concerning the ‘Like Share Diversity! Log out Hate Speech! German-Romanian Youth Exchange’

The project brings together young people of diverse background from Germany and Romania. They will gain better understanding on social mechanisms such as labeling, stereotypes, prejudice and how these grow into group tension, intolerance, exclusion, hate speech and oppression at individual and society level.

By taking part in activities based on non-formal education methods –such as group discussions, case studies, simulation games, workshops and meeting with experts – participants will discover how to counteract intolerance online and offline, gain hands on experience on how to take an active role in showing respect to human dignity. They will develop an online campaign (including photos and short videos) that promotes diversity and stands against hate speech. Read more

In or Out: The Game of Inclusion

When:  3rd-11th of July 2017 Where: Rovereto (Italy)

Framework: Training

Target Group: Youth workers

Participant Countires: Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania

Partners: East-West Lab / Laboratorio Oriente Occidente (Italy) – Hosting Organisation

Funding: Erasmus+
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